Foundation 1



Mrs Henfrey

Teaching Assistants

Mrs Forman

Welcome to foundation 1

A quick introduction to our year

Our Foundation One classroom is bright and spacious, an ideal environment for children to explore and learn through purposeful play. The children are supported to take part in a wide range of learning experiences by the teachers throughout the week. The daily routine involves children choosing activities and directing their own learning with the addition of some structured lessons including phonics, mathematics and literacy.

Reading is something we love to do

It is very important that children look at books at home and we ask you to share a story with your child every night. Initially your child will bring home a school book filled with a sequence of illustrations. This is to encourage your child to create their own storyline. Your child’s book will be changed weekly if you have shared this at home. Each week your child will also choose a ‘Reading for Pleasure’ book that interests or excites them.

Numbers and shapes are everywhere

In Foundation One, we learn about representing number through displaying our fingers and making marks. We sing songs to help us remember shapes, and we count the shapes’ sides. We need to know all about numbers and shapes as we work our way up in school. Please support your child by looking for numbers and shapes in the environment. In Foundation One we often go on a hunt for numbers and shapes, but we want to hear all about what numbers and shapes your child has found out-of-school too!


We remind parents to label all items of their child’s clothing, especially jumpers and cardigans so that we can avoid lost clothing across morning and afternoon sessions. We are always grateful for clothing donations in Foundation One for times when children need changing. With this being said, if you can remember, please bring in spare clothes for your child in case of any little accidents.

Session Times

Morning Session 8:40am - 11:40am
Afternoon Session 12.10pm - 3:10pm

foundation 1 Events

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How to Apply

Places are available in Foundation One from the term after a child turns three and we can add children’s names to our waiting list after their second birthday. Please note, Foundation One is open during the school term only and attending F1 does not guarantee a child’s place at school.

If you would like to add your child to our waiting list, please e-mail your child’s full name and date of birth and your name, address and contact telephone number to or telephone the school office on 01623 464164

30 Hours Provision

Further information

All Nursery age children qualify for 15 hours of free childcare, but you may be aware that the Government has extended the offer of free childcare to 30 hours for the children of working parents.  At The Python Hill Academy, we have decided to offer 30 hours to every child free of charge.

Lunchtime Provision

Further information

For parents with children staying all day we offer lunchtime provision at a cost £2.00 per day and this includes a school meal.