At The Python Hill Academy we strongly believe that children need to be happy and emotionally secure in order for them to be able to learn. We have strategies in place to ensure that children in school have someone to talk to if they are feeling anxious or worried about anything. We are also able to access external support for children who are finding things difficult.
In school we are able to offer one-to-one support with trained adults if a child is feeling worried and would like to talk to someone. If children have worries or concerns but don’t want to talk openly about them, each classroom has a worry box that they can fill in anonymously if they want to. Teacher’s look in these boxes daily to address any individual or group concerns.
We have a dedicated member of staff in school to deal with these concerns:
Mrs L Robinson –  Pastoral & Safeguarding Lead
If children are still struggling to manage their feelings or emotions despite accessing extra support in school, we can refer to a range of support agencies. Some of these are listed below
For general enquiries please contact Mrs A Taylor or Miss R Dawes