Mr Briggs & Mr Laurie
Our science topics in are:
Spellings for your child will be stuck in diaries every Tuesday and they will be tested the following Tuesday. Please ensure your child practices these spellings to the best of their capabilities.
A TT Rock Stars login will be stuck in your child’s diary and this will give your child the opportunity to login from home and practice their timetables. Please use the following link to logon to your child’s account.
Children should all come to school wearing full school uniform: a plain grey jumper (with or without the school logo), black shoes, black trousers/skirt and a white polo shirt. P.E. kit should be brought into school on Monday and is taken home on Fridays. Children should have a white P.E. top, shorts and trainers or plimsolls.
In the summer term, the year 4 children go on a two night stay to Gullivers Valley, South Yorkshire. This is a great opportunity for the children to show resilience and independence.
For general enquiries please contact Mrs A Taylor or Miss R Dawes